Gm commands для Loong | Разработка игровых платформ
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Gm commands для Loong

Тема в разделе "Гайды/Мануалы", создана пользователем gotiks13, 15 янв 2019.

Обсуждение темы Gm commands для Loong в разделе Гайды/Мануалы на форуме

  1. gotiks13

    gotiks13 Интересующийся

    18 дек 2016
    • GM command name must be lowercase.1, add skills
      gm addskill dwTypeID
      dwTypeID is the skill ID, specific parameters reference skill_name.xml

      2, add BUFF
      gm addbuff dwBuffID
      dwBuffID is BUFF ID, specific parameters reference buff_name.xml

      3, add the package
      gm addsuit dwSuitID nQlty
      dwSuitID is Set ID
      nQlty of quality
      Reference equip_suit_name.xml

      4, add equipment
      gm addequip nType nLevel nQlty
      nType equipment ID
      nLevel Level
      nQlty quality
      Reference equip_name.xml

      5, the number of published works to help reset
      gm affair

      6, modify the role of property
      gm att eroleatt nval

      eroleatt is an integer, which means that the role of an attribute, the list is as follows:

      ERA_Null = -1, / / illegal value

      / / A property
      ERA_AttA_Start = 0,
      ERA_Physique = 0, / / current bones
      ERA_Strength = 1, / / current impulsive
      ERA_Pneuma = 2, / / current strength
      ERA_InnerForce = 3, / / current force
      ERA_Technique = 4, / / current technical force
      ERA_Agility = 5, / / current shenfa
      ERA_AttA_End = 5,

      / / Player points
      ERA_AttPoint = 6, / / current attribute points
      ERA_TalentPoint = 7, / / current talent points

      / / Two properties
      ERA_AttB_Start = 8,
      ERA_MaxHP = 8, / / maximum strength
      ERA_HP = 9, / / current physical
      ERA_MaxMP = 10, / / max infuriating
      ERA_MP = 11, / / current infuriating
      ERA_ExAttack = 12, / / Waigong attack
      ERA_ExDefense = 13, / / external work defense
      ERA_InAttack = 14, / / internal attacks
      ERA_InDefense = 15, / / defensive strength
      ERA_AttackTec = 16, / / attack skills
      ERA_DefenseTec = 17, / / Defensive Skills
      ERA_HitRate = 18, / / hit rate
      ERA_Dodge = 19, / / dodge rate
      ERA_Endurance = 20, / / stamina
      ERA_MaxEndurance = 21, / / stamina
      ERA_AttB_End = 22,

      / / Intrinsic properties
      ERA_HPRegainRate = 22, / / physical recovery rate
      ERA_MPRegainRate = 23, / / MP Recovery Speed
      ERA_Rage = 24, / / Rage
      ERA_Vitality = 25, / / dynamic
      ERA_MaxVitality = 26, / / maximum vitality
      ERA_VitalityRegainRate = 27, / / energy recovery rate
      ERA_Speed_XZ = 28, / / XZ plane speed speed
      ERA_Speed_Y = 29, / / Y direction speed
      ERA_Speed_Swim = 30, / / XZ swimming speed
      ERA_Speed_Mount = 31, / / the speed of riding XZ

      ERA_EngraveAtt_Start = 32, / / engraved affected property
      ERA_WeaponDmgMin = 32, / / minimum weapon attacks
      ERA_WeaponDmgMax = 33, / / max weapon attack
      ERA_WeaponSoul = 34, / / Wuhun
      ERA_Armor = 35, / / armor Armor
      ERA_EngraveAtt_End = 35, / / engraved affected property

      ERA_Derate_Start = 36,
      ERA_Derate_Ordinary = 36, / / normal damage waiver
      ERA_Derate_Bleeding = 37, / / Bleeding Damage Reduction
      ERA_Derate_Brunt = 38, / / impact damage reduction
      ERA_Derate_Bang = 39, / / Smite Damage reduction
      ERA_Derate_Poison = 40, / / Toxic Damage Reduction
      ERA_Derate_Thinker = 41, / / Mental Damage Reduction
      ERA_Derate_Injury = 42, / / internal loss damage waiver
      ERA_Derate_Stunt = 43, / / stunt Damage Reduction
      ERA_Derate_ExAttack = 44, / / Waigong Damage Reduction
      ERA_Derate_InAttack = 45, / / strength Damage Reduction
      ERA_Derate_ALL = 46, / / All damage reduction
      ERA_Derate_End = 46,

      ERA_ExDamage = 47, / / additional damage
      ERA_ExDamage_Absorb = 48, / / extra damage absorption

      ERA_Resist_Bleeding = 49, / / Bleeding Resistance - hit chance
      ERA_Resist_Weak = 50, / / Weakness Resistance - hit chance
      ERA_Resist_Choas = 51, / / chaos resistance - hit chance
      ERA_Resist_Special = 52, / / Special Resistance - hit chance
      ERA_Regain_Addtion = 53, / / plus the amount of recovery

      ERA_Attack_MissRate = 54, / / attack error rate
      ERA_CloseAttack_DodgeRate = 55, / / melee escape rate plus
      ERA_RemoteAttack_DodgeRate = 56, / / remote escape rate plus

      ERA_Crit_Rate = 57, / / fatality rate plus
      ERA_Crit_Amount = 58, / / the amount of addition of fatal
      ERA_Block_Rate = 59, / / block rate plus

      ERA_Inspiration = 60, / / inspiration
      ERA_Lurk = 61, / / hide
      ERA_Savvy = 62, / / perception
      ERA_Morale = 63, / / morale
      ERA_Injury = 64, / / injuries
      ERA_Enmity_Degree = 65, / / hatred degree
      ERA_Shape = 66, / / body
      ERA_Exp_Add_Rate = 67, / / experience gain bonus original experience / money / swap rate * (1 + bonus / 10000)
      ERA_Money_Add_Rate = 68, / / get bonus money
      ERA_Loot_Add_Rate = 69, / / Bonus loot chance

      / / Social Attributes
      ERA_Fortune = 70, / / humble
      ERA_Appearance = 71, / / appearance
      ERA_Rein = 72, / / governing
      ERA_Knowledge = 73, / / experience
      ERA_Morality = 74, / / sin values
      ERA_Culture = 75, / / repair

      ERA_End = 76, / / the player's name, reputation, put attribute points, talent points have been put into the basic properties without

      For example, make the role of the current talent points are modified to 20
      gm att 7 20

      If you want to modify the character's evil values (affecting the color name) is 0
      gm att 74 0

      7, double experience
      gm double rate

      8, plus direct experience
      gm exp nExp
      nExp experience is to add value

      9, a direct upgrade
      gm fill nLevel
      nLevel is Level

      10, jump coordinates
      goto szMapName x z
      szMapName the map Chinese name
      x z is the coordinate

      11, jump around a character
      gm gotorole szRoleName
      szRoleName role name

      12, the role of GM pulled around
      gm moverole szRoleName
      szRoleName role name

      13, add items
      gm item dwTypeID nItemNum nQuality
      dwTypeID Item ID
      nItemNum number
      nQuality quality
      Reference item_name.xml

      14, to play a role off the assembly line
      gm kick szRoleName
      szRoleName role name

      15, obtained ingot
      gm yuanbao nYuanBao
      nYuanBao ingot number

      17, to adjust the maximum number of players can be found
      gm maxonline nNum
      nNum can log the maximum number of characters

      18, empty backpack
      gm clearbag

      19. Add Task
      gm addquest nQuestID
      nQuestID task ID

      20. Setting character classes
      gm class nType eVocation
      nType 0: Specialization Occupation 1: hero
      0, / / basic vocational, not selected hero
      1, / / military strategists --- Howling
      2, / / cut the military strategists ---
      3, / / Buddhist --- Diamond
      4, / / Buddhist monks ---
      5, / / Taoism --- no silence
      6, / / Taoist --- Yaoqin
      7, / / Confucian --- Youcao
      8, / / Confucian --- Yuxian
      9, / / Mohists --- ink bow
      10, / / Mohists --- from the War

      21 items cooling switch
      gm cooloff
      gm coolon

      22 family contribution
      Gm contribute nContribute
      nContribute contribution

      23 family of funds obtained
      gm fund nFund
      nFund number of funds

      24. Invincible state entry and exit
      gm invincible

      25. Kick players off the assembly line
      gm kick szRoleName
      szRoleName player's name

      26 players brush out the monster current position
      gm monster dwMonsterTypeID bCollide
      dwMonsterTypeID Monster Type
      bCollide whether there is a collision box

      27 Empty the role of the task has been completed
      gm noquestdone

      28. Prohibit, ban players all chat channels
      gm nospeak

      29 specifies the completion status of a task
      gm quest nQuestID bDone
      nQuestID task ID
      bDone is complete (0 or 1)

      30. Overloaded server-side script data
      gm reloadscript

      31 Clear the specified type cooldown talent
      gm skillcd nTalentType nExcpetSkillID
      0, / / Sword
      1, / / knife
      2, / / Long Bing
      3, / / bow
      4, / / combat skills
      5, / / masculine
      6, / / feminine
      7, / / DOCTOR poison
      8, / / temperament
      9, / / Thaumaturgy

      32 get coins
      gm silver nGold nSilver

      33. Trigger to open and close
      gm triggeron
      gm triggeroff

      34 Set right npc amity
      gm npcfri nFri nValue
      nFri set npc
      nValue set amity

      35 increased npc friendliness
      gm npcfriadd nFri nValue
      Parameter Description above

      36. Repair
      gm repair nEquipPos nNewNess
      nEquipPos Parameter Description
      0, / / head
      1, / / Face
      2, / / upper
      3, / / pants
      4, / / back
      5, / / wrist
      6, / / foot
      7, / / ring
      8, / / ring
      9, / / waist
      10, / / necklace
      11, / / earring
      12, / / main hand weapon
      nNewNess Durability

      37 family of materials increased
      gm material enum value
      enum values:
      1, / / mineral
      2, / / herbs
      3, / / wood
      4, / / Gems
      5, / / leather
      value added value

      38, open all of the plaid backpack

      gm expandbag
    rush нравится это.
  2. test

    test Постоялец

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